
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why humans life is getting horrible

“During these years, there are a lot of disasters,” Robert said.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“What do you think is the cause? Is it because of humans?”

“Well, according to Buddha, everyone receives from their karma. Disaster has been a nature of the world since many long times ago. However during these later years, the disasters are bigger, more often and worse than before can be a result of the deeds of humans.”

“Can you make it clear?”

“Well.” I took a sip of warm tea before I stated, “Let's take the habit of eating as an example. Before, humans made animals die first then they cooked it. Now, humans cook them alive. Can you imagine how fearful and hard those animals are when they are alive in the cooking process? Because of that, from my point of view, humans live in fear and stress. Also they are having serious diseases, they are in tears, they are in pain; furthermore, even though they are alive they can’t live near their loved ones.”

Robert wagged his head, “I can see what you mean.”

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Why pig creates instagram

“What are you doing?” Robert asked.

“I am creating an instagram account,” I replied.

“Why did you create it?”

“I need to advertise my website.”

“Why don’t you pay for others to advertise your website?”

I opened my eyes, “You know about it?”

“Yes, but not much.” Robert smiled.

“You are developing fast.” I grinned ear to ear. “You are worth my effort to mentor you.”

“Then why do you need to do it yourself?”

“First reason, I don’t have money. Second reason, I don’t like to rely on others, I love to do everything myself. Third reason, when I am doing it, it is like I am studying. You know that I love to study, so I don’t mind doing it all by myself.”

Robert wagged his head, “I see.”

Friday, May 10, 2024

Pig isn’t worried about a romance

“Pig, will you be afraid or worried about the romance?”


“Why not?”

“Because I am a pig.”

“You mean you won’t be worried about romance because you are a pig, you will date a pig, not a human, right?”

“Nope. I mean I don’t have any worries because the one I love is a fictional character.”

Robert unlocked his eyes, “What!!”

“It’s true,” I said with a smile. “And I feel safe one hundred percent in romance.”

Monday, May 6, 2024

Pig is afraid of both friend and enemy

The night was not cool, since it was summer. I didn’t want to do work, but I could not refuse to sit in the chair outside my door because my body was wet with sweat like I was having a shower.

Even Robert was feeling he was in the steam room.

“How are you?” He asked.

“Not good but okay,” I said.

“It has been many days since your friends haven't come to see you.”

“It’s good that they don’t come.”

“Why don’t you want them to come?”

“I am busy doing my online job. If they come, I won’t have time to welcome them, then they would be suspicious and they would investigate me.”

“Why don’t you want them to know what you are doing? Are you afraid they will take yours?”

“There is another scarier thing.”

“What is that?”

“When they cooperate with my enemy.”

Robert narrowed his eyebrows, “Can it be?”

“It can.” I nodded my head. “I experienced it once when I was living with my master. Near my master’s farm, there was a forest and there was a wolf that wanted to eat pigs in the farm. One of the pigs in the farm was jealous of me. He joined hands with the wolf to get rid of me, but lucky me, my master saved me on time.”

“Wow.” Robert unlocked his eyes big. “Amazing experience.”

“Yes, a very amazing experience.”

“Then what next?”

“He worked with the wolf, the wolf is not a sheep, when he couldn’t get me, who do you think he would get instead?”


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dog becomes knowledgeable

“Tonight, you don’t have a question, do you?” I asked.

“I do,” Robert said. “But I will ask after I tell you what I have met.”

“Say it.”

“In the afternoon, I heard a son of the farmer next to your house calling his friend. He said that he met a girl, he and her decided to have a date at the restaurant, he told her about his criteria that he liked a girl who is beautiful, can take care of herself and can look after him and family. After the date, he called her and she said sorry, she couldn’t love him. The man was so angry and he asked his friend what was wrong with his criteria? However, I didn’t hear anything more because he walked far away.”

“Well, what is your question?”

“I want to ask you if my idea is right or wrong.”

“What is your idea?”

“I think that the man is not wrong to have such criteria but it seems too much and I feel it is more selfish than love.”

“Why do you think like that?”

“He said he likes a girl who is beautiful, so if the girl becomes ugly, it means he will stop loving her. He said he likes a girl who can take care of herself and can look after him and family. If the girl loses the ability to take care of herself or him or family, he will give up on her.”

“Then you agree with the girl that she refuses to start a love with him.”

“Yes, I agree. Not only the man but also the woman, she should consider her criteria before she sets it because sometimes it is not to look for a healthy relationship but it looks like she looks for a male to be her slave.”

“Well, like before, I don’t say your idea is right or wrong, but I agree with your idea because I have the same opinion.”

Robert smiled then he and I had a hi-fi.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pig challenges herself to compete with entertainment industry

During these days, Robert stayed next to me learning about my plan. I knew he had a lot of questions and he would not be able to bear it any longer.


See? I told you.

“Do you plan this to make you earn money?”

“Not at all, Robert,” I said. “My goal is to challenge myself.”

“What is your challenge?”

“I want to compete with the entertainment industry of humans.”

Robert narrowed his eyes, “Why?”

“Because I am taking sides with the education industry and I do not feel good when I see the education field is defeated by the entertainment side,” I stated honestly.

“Are you fighting with them?”

“No, no. Never. I never want to fight; I hate fighting, I hate arguments. I just want to do something to give fairness to the education industry. All industries are important, but everyone gives value to the entertainment industry only. Though everyone knows that education is more important, they ignore it. I have seen a lot of people working in the education industry suffer while the people in entertainment are living wealthy. It makes my mind not at ease; I cannot accept it. So, I want to find a way to help promote the education industry.”

“It’s complicated and deep, I think,” Robert stated. “However I can sense your point of view is not wrong and not bad. If anything I can help, please tell.”

“Thank you Robert,” I said with a smile.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Do works at night is safe

“Pig,” Robert raised his head and asked.

“Yes Robert?” I said.

“Do you like to work at night?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Why? Because is it cool?”


“Because is it quiet?”

“Not at all.”

“Then why?”

“Because everyone is sleeping.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well,” I paused my fingers over keyboards and turned to look at him, “Humans and animals are not different. Some animals are bad and full of jealousy. Like my friends and my neighbors. They are not happy if they know that I have something greater than them. It is the reality of the world. Therefore, I cannot let them know what I am doing, and to keep my plan safe, I must work when they are not awake.”

Pig cannot defeat human

  “Oh it is unbelievable that a crow learns how to grow vegetables,” Robert said. “Do you want to laugh at me?” Crow said. “No. I just said,...