
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Crow protests that she is not the bad bird

Caw, caw…

“Hello crow,” Robert said. “Pig and I just talked about you recently.”

“Oh,” the crow was surprised, “what was that?”

“He said he likes you because you are a hard working bird.”

The crow stayed silent.

“But I still have a question.”


“I believe you work hard to find food by yourself, but you steal the food. Stealing is not good. According to the precepts in Buddhism, you are wrong.”

“What are the precepts?”

“They are not killing, not stealing, not sexually misconducting, not lying and not drinking alcohol.”

“The three precepts are not with me because I am a bird. But I want to ask you about the first and the second. Can you explain it to me?”

“The first one is about not killing any living things and the second is about not taking things from the owner without their permission, and you are wrong because you take the food from the human without their consent. You are bad.”

“Well, well, well, I confess I steal food from humans.” The crow wagged her head. “I steal from them not only the fruits but also the meat. However, talking about the meat. It’s the animal’s flesh. The animal is alive. The human kills it then takes the flesh from it to eat. When I see it, I fly to take it. However it is a dead thing. If I am bad because I steal it, what about the human? They kill it!”

Mouth of Robert was blocked after hearing it. And before I got out, the crow had already left.

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