
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Pig uses dog’s game to escape from wolf

I delivered the vegetables to the merchants. When I was walking back home, the wolf jumped from the bush to stand before me in the middle of the road. His face showed a glee and his smile revealed his sharp teeth. 

“It's the end of you, fat pig,” he said, then he stepped one by one towards me. His face was full of happiness. 

“No, no,” I made my voice trembling, made my face pale, and made my feet quake to tell him I was scared. But I was not scared at all. When I saw him thinking he could get me, I opened my eyes and said, “Robert!”  

Hearing the name, the wolf turned his face to look at his behind. Like a flash, I escaped behind him and when he returned his face as he saw no one, I quickly ran on the ahead road. This method surprised the wolf and it made him late for a few seconds before he rotated his body and started chasing me. Since the wolf was a good hunter, I couldn't win over him by running straight on the road. I had to run once to the left and once to the right. There were bushes and there were rocks, luckily I trained running for the stick and jumped over the rocks with Robert, I could pass them easily. It surprised the wolf big, and it caused him to chase me more late. Not long after, I ran out of the jungle. The sun was shining, adding the pressure on the wolf making him slower his speed. Differently, I added my gear till I saw the gate of my house. 

I yelled, “Robert.” 

Hearing my voice, Robert came out of the house. When he saw the wolf was behind me, he ran at full speed and barked like thunder. The wolf paused his feed when he saw Robert, then he ran back to the forest.

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